Hanoi La Siesta Hotel & Spa has been selected as a recipient of the TripExpert Experts’ Choice Award.
Fewer than 2% of hotels worldwide receive the award
Based on 1M+ reviews from 85 different publications, the award is bestowed on only the very best hotels. TripExpert takes a new approach to ratings by using only professional reviews from travel guides, magazines, newspapers and other respected sources.
With positive reviews from reviewers such as Lonely Planet and Oyster, Hanoi La Siesta Hotel & Spa is featured on TripExpert.com as one of the best hotels in Hanoi.
Hanoi La Siesta Hotel & Spa has also received TripExpert’s Best of Hanoi award. Reviewers agree that it is an outstanding choice for accommodation in Hanoi.
Based in New York City, TripExpert aggregates expert reviews of hotels, restaurants and points of interest. On TripExpert.com, travelers can read over 1M reviews from leading travel media. TripExpert provides an alternative to sites powered by user reviews.
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